Nikolay Gorshkov, Director of Success Technologies Studio
E-mail: [email protected]
Skype: business-perm
Facebook: ngorshkov.wellness
Write me. I'm online!
Download free messenger Gem4me and earn with it!

Gem4me: the Messenger of Your Success!

Kaori Yoshida, Japan

Won Hyung Park, South Korea

Bharat Karnani, India

(Poland), Slobodan Sekicki (Serbia),
Andrzej Pluta (Poland), Nikolay Gorshkov (Russia) - international Gem4me Leaders!

A vizit to the office of Gem4me application developers - Synesis company at Minsk, Belarus.
GEM4ME Business worth billions!!! 2017
GEM4ME: 2 million users!
- EVERYONE is talking about this: the IT giant goes to ICO!
- Big International Conference for Partners and Developers of Gem4me Messenger on April 21-22, 2017 in Minsk
- SUPER August news: Gem4me goes on ICO on October 1!
- Minsk meets the Fourth International Conference for Business Partners and Developers of Gem4me Messenger