Мессенджер Gem4me - Gem4me Messenger
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26 October 2017 | Author: Nikolay Gorshkov

EVERYONE is talking about this: the IT giant goes to ICO!

Gem4me messenger ICO

Don't miss the opportunity to solve your financial issues at the ICO of a large company. Pre-sale is started, and it is very profitable to take part!

The new "blue chip" comes into the ICO market.
Actual only until November 13 on the Pre-sale stage!

07 August 2017 | Author: Nikolay Gorshkov

SUPER August news: Gem4me goes on ICO on October 1!

SUPER August news: Gem4me goes on ICO on October 1

SUPER August news: Gem4me goes on ICO on October 1!
Participate in tokens PRESALE on favorable terms.


A presentation from the Board of Directors of Gem4me Investments Plc: 27.07.2017


For further details, contact me by Skype: business-perm

28 April 2017 | Author: Nikolay Gorshkov

Big International Conference for Partners and Developers of Gem4me Messenger on April 21-22, 2017 in Minsk

Today I came back to Perm! I'm full of impressions of the Big international conference for business partners and developers of the Gem4me messenger in Minsk. My friends and acquaintances were looking forward to my return with only one question: Why did I go there?

When the International Conference of Gem4me Partners and Developers in Minsk was announced, I did not even have the question: To go or not to go? This is the second Event for me, because I was at the Third Conference in Moscow in 2016. So I knew it must not to be missed. Furthermore, when and where else is there the opportunity to see the application developers' office and to hear experts from Google? That is worth a lot in itself! And what is especially valuable and important for me - it is to meet and to talk with partners and Leaders from other countries, where the Gem4me project is developing with great dynamic. How do they work? What are their feelings about Gem4me? What is their secret of success?

19 April 2017 | Author: Nikolay Gorshkov

Minsk meets the Fourth International Conference for Business Partners and Developers of Gem4me Messenger

There are events in everyone's life that can be compared with the "vertical takeoff" to a new quality of life, to new opportunities and unlimited space for realization of his most daring and ambitious goals and initiatives.

There are many talented, successful and very famous persons in the world who create a new trend in the industry of modern information technologies almost every day. As a rule, they are ambitious and professional, their successful developments are used by millions of people and their project worth tens of billions of dollars. So the fact is that a great number of people would like to see and hear ones, as well as to get the live experience of the place where the projects are created.

It's truly hard for me to believe it, but that's exactly where I will be: in just a few days I'm going to participate in the event where developers of many successful projects, in particular, of well-known Gem4me mobile app will take part.
So, more than 300 representatives from various countries across the globe will take part at the International Conference devoted to Gem4me messenger, that will hold on 21-22 April in Minsk. And we can already say that this event will open a new page in the history of mobile apps development!

Follow my site's news feed about all the news and events. I will inform you in full about the prospects and opportunities.

It will comes hot!

Nikolay Gorshkov

Any questions? Contact me!
Download free messenger Gem4me and earn with it!
Download free messenger Gem4me and earn with it
Gem4me: the Messenger of Your Success!
Kaori Yoshida, Japan
Won Hyung Park, South Korea
Bharat Karnani, India
Tomasz Zarnecki
(Poland), Slobodan Sekicki (Serbia),
Andrzej Pluta (Poland), Nikolay Gorshkov (Russia) - international Gem4me Leaders!
A vizit to the office of Gem4me application developers - Synesis company at Minsk, Belarus.
GEM4ME Business worth billions!!! 2017
GEM4ME: 2 million users!