The Founder and Director of
Success Technologies Studio

Let me introduce myself: Nikolay Gorshkov, Founder and Director of Success Technologies Studio.
I work in the field of social entrepreneurship. I actively implement IT-technologies to speeding up the business, expanding the client base and partner network.
I consider Gem4me mobile platform a springboard for a new quality of life and business.
I examine, implement and use the current Gem4me functionality to minimize costs and time spents and to maximize profitability.
I'm sure that Gem4me messenger will be the control panel for a new quality of life and new opportunities, making possible the achievement of ambitious goals for everyone.
Welcome to the world of new opportunities, prosperity, stability and well-being!
Yours, Nikolay Gorshkov,
Director of the Studio

(Poland), Slobodan Sekicki (Serbia),
Andrzej Pluta (Poland), Nikolay Gorshkov (Russia) - international Gem4me Leaders!

- EVERYONE is talking about this: the IT giant goes to ICO!
- Big International Conference for Partners and Developers of Gem4me Messenger on April 21-22, 2017 in Minsk
- SUPER August news: Gem4me goes on ICO on October 1!
- Minsk meets the Fourth International Conference for Business Partners and Developers of Gem4me Messenger