Big International Conference for Partners and Developers of Gem4me Messenger on April 21-22, 2017 in Minsk
Today I came back to Perm! I'm full of impressions of the Big international conference for business partners and developers of the Gem4me messenger in Minsk. My friends and acquaintances were looking forward to my return with only one question: Why did I go there?
When the International Conference of Gem4me Partners and Developers in Minsk was announced, I did not even have the question: To go or not to go? This is the second Event for me, because I was at the Third Conference in Moscow in 2016. So I knew it must not to be missed. Furthermore, when and where else is there the opportunity to see the application developers' office and to hear experts from Google? That is worth a lot in itself! And what is especially valuable and important for me - it is to meet and to talk with partners and Leaders from other countries, where the Gem4me project is developing with great dynamic. How do they work? What are their feelings about Gem4me? What is their secret of success?
I knew exactly that I would not be disappointed. However, the reality exceeded my expectations! I was delighted with the way the event was organized and held: Luxury Hilton hotel, service, attention and care for everyone - all was at the highest level! All the declared program was performed completely! Inexpressible atmosphere of unity in the hall, when all 300 people listen attentively and record everything that the members of the Board of Directors, business partners and company Leaders from around the world are talking about. And most importantly - we all felt how Gem4me grew up and became stronger, and that people all over the world are assured in its 100% success.
I was really happy when I could not only to get acquainted personally, but also to talk with the Leaders from Poland, Japan, Korea and India. Such moments are incredibly inspires and are remembered for life! I can say that they are simple, open, but at the same time strong and ambitious people, who know how to set ambitious goals and achieve them in spite of any difficulties! Even the language barrier doesn't stop them: not all of them speak English well, but they were here anyway!
Yes, it is important to be at this Event! In the right place at the right time! That's when everything in our life begins to happen!
And finally, the final chord: when I returned to Perm, at the airport, as soon as I descended the stairs from the airplane, I witnessed an amazing take-off of a MiG-31 fighter.
WOW !!! It's not a plane ... It's a ROCKET !!!
You cannot even imagine: it is impossible to describe by words the dynamics; it was a powerful, thunderous and vibrant "GEM BOOM" for kilometers around! And suddenly I felt that it was not just a coincidence - this is the living symbol of the new stage in development of Gem4me: its vertical take-off in all countries of the world!
Stay tuned! Follow the news!
Best regards,
Nikolay Gorshkov.
A vizit to the office of Gem4me application developers - the company "Synesis".
Right to left: Tomasz Zarnecki (Poland), Slobodan Sekicki (Serbia), Andrzej Pluta (Poland), Nikolay Gorshkov (Russia) - international Gem4me Leaders!
With the Leaders from South Korea and Japan. The first on the left is Won Hyung Park, Korea; the second from left - Kaori Yoshida, Japan.
Our joint photo with the Leader from South Korea, Ulsan - my friend Won Hyung Park.
Together with Bharat Karnani - the Leader from India, Mumbai. Thank you, friend, for your visit of the conference in Minsk!
The symbolic photo: the take-off of the MiG-31, which can be compared with the growing real "GEM-BOOM" all over the world!
International Conference for Gem4me Partners in Minsk on April 21-22, 2017
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(Poland), Slobodan Sekicki (Serbia),
Andrzej Pluta (Poland), Nikolay Gorshkov (Russia) - international Gem4me Leaders!

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